Friday, August 19, 2011

Microsoft Forecaster & It's Future

There has been lot of questions on Microsoft Forecaster, will it remain? Or will get discontinued? What will be the future?   

 In simple this is the simple update for Microsoft Forecaster.

“We’ve extended the mainstream support for Forecaster until July 2014, with extended support through July of 2019

You can check the details on Microsoft Product Lifecycle for product support life cycle information.

Read the complete details of the original post on Dynamics Corporate Performance Management blog here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dynamics GP 2010 Reporting Ledgers Usage In Fixed Asset Module

A detailed Post by Mr. Sivakumar on his blog “Interesting  Findings & Knowledge Sharing ” about usage of Reporting Ledgers in Fixed Asset modules.

Check out the complete details on his post HERE.

Dynamics GP Project Accounting Error - The Project Is Being edited By another User

 One of our clients recently reported the following error while the user tries to open the Project Card.

 The Project Is Being edited By another User, please select another project/contract number"

 We checked all the users and no one was accessing this project. Then we found there are invalid entries under “PA Proj Contr Activity Master table”.


Note: Before you follow the instructions in this article, make sure that you have a complete backup copy of the database that you can restore if a problem occurs.

To resolve this problem yourself, follow these steps:
  1. Have all users exit Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  2. Remove the invalid record from the PA000001 table. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Back up the company database.
    2. Open one of the following query tools, depending on the version of Microsoft SQL Server that you are using:
      • SQL Query Analyzer
      • SQL Server Management Studio
      • Support Administrator Console
    3. Run the following statement against the company database.
Select * from PA000001
Note The PA000001 table works as an activity table. Therefore, if no user is in the system, you do not expect any records to exist in this table. If a record still exists in this table, the record is an invalid record.
    1. Run the following statement against the company database to remove the invalid record from the PA000001 table.
Delete PA000001
Alternatively, there is also an automated solution on partner source which can do the same for you.
Happy Consulting!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dynamics GP 2010 & Integration Manager 11 Error

 We have situation where we upgraded one of our client to Dynamics GP 2010 with Integration manager 11. The client was using Integration manager extensively to upload all sorts of transactions and after the upgrade process the users started facing different error messages while running integration

“The destination could not be initialized due to the following problem: ActiveX component can't create object
“The destination could not be initialized due to the following problem:  Cannot create Active X Component.  Cannon create Active X Component”
“The RPC Server is unavailable “

We tried re-installing integration manager many times but the issue remains unsolved.


After checking all the details we found that the “Dynamics.exe” file was not registered properly for those clients under windows registry. We manually registered the file and it worked

To register “Dynamics.exe” manually, follow the below steps

-      Log on to the computer with the user who is receiving the error message while doing integration.
-      Reregister the Dynamics.exe file, To reregister
o    Click Start,
o    Then Click Run,
o    Then Type "\FileName.exe “/REGSERVER, and then click OK.

        = Represents the full path of the folder that contains the file, and the placeholder
FileName.exe = Represents the name of the file.
For example, type the following string:
“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\Dynamics.exe” / REGSERVER

Once registered successfully, integration manager will start working properly.

Happy Integrations.

Dynamics AX – Vendor Scoring In RFQ Analysis Process

Vendor scoring is one of the important aspect of the RFQ process in any organization. While we were working with our client requirement fo...